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Python 2.7 or higher, including Python 3.x series.

For individual validators you might need to configure Java or NodeJS. Further information available after the installation.

Installing VVV using virtualenv

virtualenv based installation is recommended.

virtualenv is a tool to manage self-contained Python software installations without need for super-user priviledges.


Tested on Windows 7 with Python 2.7

Make sure virtualenv is installed:

pip install virtualenv

Installing prerequisites by creating vvv-venv virtualenv in your home folder:

cd %HOME%
virtualenv vvv-venv
pip install vvv

Or if you are using PowerShell:

cd ~
virtualenv vvv-env
pip install vvv

Linux (Ubuntu / Debian)

Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and should work on are later versions.

Installing prerequisites by creating vvv-venv virtualenv in your home folder:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
# Please enter the following commands as non-root user
cd ~
virtualenv vvv-venv
. ./vvv-venv/bin/activate
pip install vvv


Red Hat, CentOS users can adapt these instructions for your own package manager. If you are using VVV on these platforms please contact the author via issue tracker to provide exact installation instructions.


OSX 10.7 Lion or later comes with compatible Python 2.7.

To install VVV into a current folder:

curl -L -o
python vvv-venv
. vvv-venv/bin/activate
pip install vvv

For older OSX versions you might need to use a package manager like Macports to install a compatible Python interpreter:

sudo port install python32
sudo port install py32-distribute py32-virtualenv py32-pip


VVV is installed under virtualenv. When you activate this virtualenv your command-line PATH environment variable is modified so that the active command line session starts using commandss from virtualenv.

This must be done once per each command line session.

To activate virtualenv under UNIX:

. vvv-venv/bin/activate

To activate virtualenv under Windows:


Now when the virtualenv is active you have vvv command available. Type it to see the command line help text:


Now you can test vvv against your source tree. Just cd to the any source tree and type in the command:

vvv .

VVV will validate your source code.

From here you can proceed to configuring VVV for your project, to make VVV to conform your project policy.

Installing trunk version

If you want to use GitHub trunk version do:

. ~/vvv-venv/bin/activate
git clone git://
cd vvv
python develop

This will install vvv development version under vvv-venv virtualenv.

Software downloaded and installed by vvv command

Each target programming language may require its own system-wide dependencies before you can run the validtor.

You’ll get an error message when running VVV if you are lacking something. If you get such an error for more information installing the dependencies please see prerequisites.

vvv will automatically try to install software needed to run the validator. This software is installed locally in hidden .vvv folder in your home folder.

In the case this installation becomes damaged e.g. because you interrupt download and configuration with CTRL+C you can always recreate all downloaded files with the folllowing command:

vvv --reinstall .